
Tail- Flick analgesia meter 痛覺閃尾反應測量儀
Incremental hot / cold plate analgesia meter冷熱測試儀
Conditioned place preference 制約行為測試系統
Grip strength meter 小鼠握力測試儀
EthoVision XT15 行為軌跡分析系統
Elevated plus mazes 舉臂式十字型迷宮
Water mazes 水迷宮
T mazes T形迷宮
Rotarod Treadmill 小鼠滾輪跑步機
Ultrasound recording system 超音波截錄系統
Photobeam activity system(open field)光感行為活動量測試系統
Digital Stereotaxic 數位顯示微調立體定位儀


 Tail- Flick analgesia meter 痛覺閃尾反應測量儀
功能 : to assess spinal nociception
「TF-01 Tail Flick 閃尾計數儀」操作手冊下載

Incremental hot / cold plate analgesia meter冷熱測試儀
功能 : measure of supraspinal nociception
「Model PE34」操作手冊下載

Conditioned place preference 制約行為測試系統
功能 : to evaluate preferences for environmental stimuli that have been associated with a
positive or negative reward

Grip strength meter 小鼠握力測試儀
功能 : to evaluate the strength of forelimb and hind limb muscles
「MK-380CM/R 大/小鼠抓力測試儀」操作手冊下載

EthoVision XT15 行為軌跡分析系統
原廠名稱 : Noldus
功能 : to analyze water mzae, T maze, elevated plus maze data

Elevated plus mazes 舉臂式十字型迷宮
功能 : to determine the rodent’s unconditioned response to a potentially dangerous environment and anxiety-related behavior

Water mazes 水迷宮
功能 : to measure spatial learning and memory

T mazes T形迷宮
功能 : to assess spatial learning and alternation behavior

Rotarod Treadmill 小鼠滾輪跑步機
功能 : assess the rodent’s sensorimotor coordination
「RT Series鼠滾筒式跑步機」操作手冊下載

Ultrasound recording system 超音波截錄系統
功能 : recording and playing back ultrasonic signals

Photobeam activity system(open field)光感行為活動量測試系統
功能 : Measurements of horizontal, vertical and stereotyped behavior. Also accessories for basic passive avoidance test and hole board tests.

Digital Stereotaxic 數位顯示微調立體定位儀
功能 : for precisely controlled infusion of picoliter volumes