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學     歷

研 究 領 域

獎 項 榮 譽

榮 獲 專 利

論 文 著 作


蔡 金 吾

電  話: (02)2826-7305
傳  真: (02)2827-3123
電子郵件: tsaijw@ym.edu.tw
網  址: bml.ym.edu.tw/ibs/brain/Jin-Wu.htm

現 職:

  • 2021- 國立陽明交通大學腦科學研究所 特聘教授
  • 2021- 國立陽明交通大學研究發展處 研發長/產學運籌中心校區主任
  • 2021- 國立陽明交通大學生命科技系暨研究所 合聘教授
  • 2021- 台灣基礎神經科學學會理事

經 歷:
  • 2020-2021 國立陽明大學研究發展處 副研發長/綜合企劃組組長
  • 2020-2021 國立陽明大學腦科學研究所 專任教授
  • 2019-2021 國立交通大學生命科技系暨研究所 合聘副教授
  • 2018-2020 國立陽明大學腦科學研究所 專任副教授
  • 2012-2018 國立陽明大學腦科學研究所 專任助理教授
  • 2010-2012 Genentech Inc. 研究及發展部生醫影像組 科學經理 (Scientific Manager)
  • 2009-2010 加州大學舊金山分校 (UCSF) 幹細胞與再生醫學研究中心及神經科 博士後研究員
  • 2008-2009 紐約大學 (NYU) 分子神經生物學 博士後研究員
  • 1999: 國立陽明大學微生物及免疫學實驗助教

學 歷:

  • 2012迄今: 運用先進的跨領域技術(橫跨細胞分子、光學影像、程式設計、臨床與生物科技)研究中樞神經系統之發育、神經幹細胞複製與分化之動態過程。並延伸到大腦發育神經元突觸之相互連結,以及在神經退化、中風以及腦損傷過程中,腦部細胞之動態變化,期望以這樣的整合系統,發展出以神經再生為標的之幹細胞療法。
  • 2010-2012: 利用光學影像技術,參與神經退化性疾病新藥研發(Genentech Inc. R&D)
  • 2002-2010: 平腦症 (lissencephaly) 之致病機轉、動力蛋白 (dynein) 及其調節蛋白LIS1, NudE, NudEL, NudC等在神經細胞生成、遷移及神經膠質瘤 (glioma) 轉移之分子機制
  • 1998-2000: 雷射光鉗 (optical tweezers) 在生物作用力量測之應用、「細胞側視系統 (SideView Technology)」之發展(榮獲中華民國專利)、極化之肝細胞中蛋白質標的 (targeting) 及運輸 (trafficking) 機制
  • 1997-1998: 運用摻鈦藍寶石 (Ti:sapphire) 雷射架設可調制雷射光鉗


  • 物理領域: 一般光學 (general optics)、雷射光學 (laser optics)、Light sheet microscopy
  • 生物領域: 雙光子顯微鏡 (two-photon microscopy)、光學及共軛焦顯微鏡學(confocal microscopy)、子宮內電穿孔 (in utero electroporation)、細胞及大腦切片組織培養 (brain slice culture)、活細胞造影 (live cell imaging)
  • 電腦領域: 數位影像處理 (MetaMorph, ImageJ, Adobe Photoshop)、程式語言 (MatLab)、網頁製作 (Adobe Dreamweaver)


2021 第二屆「伍焜玉院士學術講座」
2021 第17屆「榮台聯大優良論文獎」第二名
2020 科技部108年度「傑出研究獎」
2020 台灣癲癇醫學會「癲癇傑出研究獎」
2015-20 連續六年獲陽明大學醫學院「醫學系學生網路教學評估優良教師」
2019 第15屆「永信李天德青年醫藥科技獎」
2019 國立陽明大學院級「教學傑出獎」
2019 第24屆中央研究院「年輕學者研究著作獎」
2019 第十七屆「有庠科技論文獎」,遠東徐有庠先生紀念基金會
2019 台灣癲癇醫學會「癲癇研究論文獎」第一名
2018 國立陽明大學「教學優良獎」
2018 榮總台聯大專題研究計畫成果壁報競賽第二名
2017 科技部「優秀年輕學者研究計畫」
2015 國立陽明大學「教學優良獎」
2014 科技部「優秀年輕學者研究計畫」
2012 國科會「延攬特殊優秀人才」補助計畫
2011 Recognition Award, Genentech Inc.
2011 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows, National Institutes of Health, USA
2010 "Study Abroad" Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Science Council, Taiwan
2008 Spinal Cord Injury Research Program Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, Spinal Cord Injury Research Board (SCIRB), New York State Department of Health
2008 The Rover Award for Outstanding Achievement in Anatomy and Cell Biology
2008 Ph.D. degree with Distinction, Columbia University
2007 International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Travel Grant for the World Congress of Neuroscience
2007 The British Council Stem Cell Workshop Scholarship
2006 AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science (The American Association for the Advancement of Science)
2006 NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival Scholarship (National Institutes of Health)
2006 The Best Talk in the Integrated Program Retreat, Kerhonkson, NY (Columbia University)

Taiwanese Bioscientist Association Student Travel Award (TBA)


The Brunie Prize in Neural Stem Cell Research (The Jean I. and Charles H. Brunie Foundation)


ASCB Predoctoral Student Travel Award (American Society for Cell Biology)

2005 Featured article in the Cell Migration Gateway (Cell Migration Consortium, Nature Publishing Group)
2000 The Best Student Paper Award in Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Manipulation for Biological and Biomedical Applications, Photonics Taiwan 2000 (International Society of Optical Engineering)


優秀碩士論文獎 (國立陽明大學)
1998 吳健雄科學獎 (吳健雄學術基金會)

獲選第25屆國際物理奧林匹亞競賽 (International Physics Olympiad) 國家代表隊


獲選參加亞太數學奧林匹亞競試 (Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad)


2021 碩士班張芊惠、林莞茜獲「罕見疾病基金會獎學金」
2021 生物科技系林子崴、醫學系廖證硯獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2021 博士班鄭皓元獲陽明交大「博士班優良論文獎學金」優等獎
2021 碩士班柯皓禎獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」優等獎
2020 醫學系林映岑健康科學文教基金會第15屆「醫學系學生暑期研究計畫成果發表」佳作
2020 碩士班林均儒獲台灣發育生物學年會口頭報告佳作獎
2020 醫學系林莞茜獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2020 醫學系林映岑獲健康科學文教基金會「獎助暑期大專生參與研究計畫」
2020 碩士班林均儒獲「陽明大學論文優良獎學金」入圍獎
2019 博士班鄭皓元、碩士班林均儒獲「罕見疾病基金會獎學金」
2019 博士班張家祥獲「永信李天德醫藥科技傑出論文獎」
2019 醫技系林昕儀、醫學系盧謙獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2019 博士班粘芳馨獲「陽明博士班優良論文獎學金」優等獎
2019 碩士班趙年欣獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」優等獎
2019 博士班呂怡陵獲安安慢飛天使家庭關懷協會「2019 全國兒童神經精神科學勵翔獎」第一名
2019 博士班黃嘉偉獲推薦代表台灣參加日本HOPE 2019會議
2019 博士班Ridwan Ibrahim獲中央研究院跨領域神經科學國際學程Travel Award
2018 碩士班康以寧、張馨云、劉臻獲the 15th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry (APSN) Travel Award並獲選Oral presentation
2018 碩士班王竣弘獲「陽明大學學術論文比賽」佳作獎
2018 碩士班康以寧獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」優等獎
2018 碩士班劉臻獲陽明大學「生技教育基金」獎學金
2017 醫學系洪學宇獲健康科學文教基金會「醫學系學生暑期研究計畫成果發表亞軍」
2017 碩士班張馨云獲「罕見疾病基金會獎學金」
2017 博士班黃嘉偉、鄭皓元獲陽明大學「生技教育基金」獎學金
2017 碩士班鄭皓元獲陽明大學「修讀博士班獎學金」
2017 碩士班蕭景如獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」入選獎
2017 生科系柳維思、醫學系洪學宇獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2016 碩士班陳怡安獲「陽明大學學術論文比賽」優等獎
2016 碩士班陳怡安獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」入選獎
2016 生科系張馨云、葉思妤獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2015 醫學系陳紹倫、廖柔謙獲科技部「大專生研究創作獎」
2015 碩士班張家祥獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」優等獎
2015 醫學系廖柔謙、林伯禧獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2014 博士班粘芳馨獲選Cold Spring Harbor Asia Meeting on Neurobiology口頭報告
2014 醫學系廖柔謙獲健康科學文教基金會「獎助暑期大專生參與研究計畫」
2014 醫學系陳紹倫、廖柔謙獲科技部「大專生研究計畫」
2013 碩士班粘芳馨獲「紀念尹珣若先生品學及論文優良獎學金」入選獎


  1. Invited speaker in EMBO Workshop on Neural Development and Neurodegeneration, Taipei, Taiwan (2022)
  2. Invited symposium speaker in the 16th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry (APSN), Singapore (2021)
  3. Invited speaker in the 14th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologist (APFP), Taipei, Taiwan (2021)
  4. Invited speaker in the International Conference of Developmental Biology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan (2021)
  5. Invited speaker and panelist in the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Associate School on Neuromics, Kuala Lummpur, Malaysia (2021)
  6. Invited speaker in the 34th International Epilepsy Congress, Paris, France (2021)
  7. Invited speaker in the 16th Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research (TSSCR) Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan (2020)
  8. Invited speaker in the 5th NHRI-ToMMo Conference, Tohoku, Japan (2019)
  9. Invited speaker in AsiaPacific Forum on Population Genomics, Taipei, Taiwan (2019)
  10. Invited speaker in the Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Autumn Camp (2018)
  11. Invited speaker in the 23rd Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society, Xiamen, China (2018)
  12. Invited speaker in the 12th NYMU-UCSD Bilateral Symposium, La Jolla, CA (2018)
  13. Invited speaker in the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Neurons and Diseases, Taipei, Taiwan (2018)
  14. Invited speaker in the Cross-Strait Epilepsy Gene Research Forum, Taipei, Taiwan (2018)
  15. Invite speaker in第三屆兩岸四地癲癇病學青年峰會,中國長春 (2018)
  16. Keynote speaker in the Asia Pacific Medical Student Symposium (APMSS), Taipei, Taiwan (2017)
  17. Invited speaker in the 10th NYMU-UCSD Bilateral Symposium, La Jolla, CA (2016)
  18. Invited symposium speaker in the 14th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry (APSN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2016)
  19. Invited speaker in Focus on Microscopy 2016 conference , Taipei, Taiwan (2016)
  20. Invited symposium speaker in the 6th Federation of Asia-Oceanian Neuroscience Society (FAONS) Congress and the 11th Biennial Conference of CNS, Wuzhen, China (2015)
  21. Invited speaker in the 25th ISN-APSN-ASN Joint Meeting Satellite Meeting, Cairns, Australia (2015)
  22. Invited speaker in the 4th Symposium of World Association of Chinese Epileptologists (WACE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2014)
  23. Invited speaker in the 4th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology Meeting, Dalian, China (2014)
  24. Invited speaker in the 12th Annual Meeting of the Taiwan Epilepsy Society, Taipei, Taiwan (2014)
  25. Invited speaker in the Conference of the Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging, Taipei, Taiwan (2013)
  26. Invited speaker in the Combined ASBMB, ASPS, and ANZSCDB Annual Meeting (ComBio), Perth, Australia (2013)
  27. Invited speaker in the International Symposium on Development, Morphogenesis, and Stem Cells, Taipei, Taiwan (2013)
  28. Invited speaker in the 6th NYMU-UCSD Bilateral Symposium, La Jolla, CA (2012)
  29. Invited speaker in the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Neuroscience Society, Taipei, Taiwan (2011)
  30. Invited speaker in the 4th NYMU-UCSD Bilateral Symposium, La Jolla, CA (2010)
  31. Speaker in the 39th Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL, Society for Neuroscience (2009)
  32. Invited speaker in the 2nd Global COE Retreat, Hokuto, Japan, University of Tokyo (2009)
  33. Invited speaker in the 1st Tohoku Neuroscience GCOE conference "From Genes to Development and Behavior", Zao, Japan, Tohoku University (2008)
  34. Speaker in the "Stem cells, axon guidance and migration in the developing and adult brain" conference, Cairns, Australia, IBRO (2007)
  35. Invited Minisymposium speaker in the 46th ASCB Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, American Society of Cell Biology (2006)
  36. 中國科學院模式動物發育與疾病國際學術研討會「主題報告」, 北京, 中國科學院 (2006)
  37. Speaker in the 36th Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Society for Neuroscience (2006)
  38. Selected presenter for the 1st NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival, Bethesda, MD (National Institutes of Health) (2006)
  39. Speaker in the 35th Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC, Society for Neuroscience (2005)
  40. Invited Minisymposium speaker in the 44th ASCB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, American Society of Cell Biology (2004)
  41. Invited speaker in Photonics Taiwan 2000, International Society of Optical Engineering, (2000)


  • 蔡金吾、易永祥與林奇宏:「細胞側視系統及方法」中華民國專利字號 00594011 (2004-2020)



  1. Savino E, Guarnieri FC, Tsai JW, Corradi A, Benfenati F, Valtorta F* (2021) An emerging role of PRRT2 in regulating growth cone morphology, Cells, 10(10):2666.

  2. Chen HY, Hsu CL, Lin3 HY, Lin YF, Tsai SF, Ho YJ, Li YR, Tsai JW, Teng SC*, Lin CH* (2021) Clinical and functional characterization of a novel STUB1 frameshift mutation in autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia type 48 (SCA48). J Biomed Sci, 28(1):65.


  1. Tsai MH, Muir AM, Wang WJ, Kang YN, Yang KC, Chao NH, Wu MF, Chang YC, Porter BE, Jansen LA, Sebire G, Deconinck N, Fan WL, Su SC, Chung WH, Almanza Fuerte EP, Mehaffey MG, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Ng CC, Chan CK, Lim KS, Leventer RJ, Lockhart PJ, Riney K, Damiano JA, Hildebrand MS, Mirzaa GM, Dobyns WB, Berkovic SF, Scheffer IE, Tsai JW*, Mefford HC* (2020) Pathogenic variants in CEP85L cause sporadic and familial posterior predominant lissencephaly. Neuron, 106(2):237-245. (* corresponding)

  2. Tsai MH, Cheng HY, Nian FS, Liu C, Chao NH, Chiang KL, Chen SF, Tsai JW* (2020) Impairment in Dynein-Mediated Nuclear Translocation by BICD2 C-terminal Truncation Leads to Neuronal Migration Defect and Human Brain Malformation. Acta Neuropathol Commun, 8(1):106. (* corresponding)

  3. Ibrahim RB, Yeh SY, Lin KP, Ricardo F, Yu TY, Chan CC, Tsai JW*, Liu YT* (2020) Cellular secretion and cytotoxicity of transthyretin mutant proteins underlie late onset amyloidosis and neurodegeneration. Cell Mol Life Sci, 77(7):1421-1434. (* corresponding)

  4. Yang CP, Yang WS, Wong YH, Wang KH, Teng YC, Chang MH, Liao KH, Nian FS, Chao CC, Tsai JW, Hwang WL, Lin MW, Tzeng TY, Wang PN, Campbell M, Chen LK, Tsai TF, Chang PC, Kung HJ (2020) Muscle atrophy-related myotube-derived exosomal microRNA in neuronal dysfunction: Targeting both coding and long noncoding RNAs. Aging Cell, 19(5):e13107.

  5. Chang CY, Liang MZ, Wu CC, Huang PY, Chen HI, Yet SF, Tsai JW, Kao CF, Chen L (2020) WNT3A promotes neuronal regeneration upon traumatic brain injury. Int J Mol Sci, 21(4):1463.

  6. Hu CJ, Lu YC, Tsai YH, Cheng HY, Takeda H, Huang CY, Xiao R, Hsu CJ, Tsai JW, Vandenberghe LH, Wu CC, Cheng YF (2020) Efficient in utero gene transfer to the mammalian inner ears by a synthetic adeno-associated viral vector Anc80L65. Mol Ther-Methods & Clin Dev, 18:493-500. (Cover)


  1. Chang CH, Zanini M, Shirvani H, Cheng JS, Yu H, Feng CH, Mercier AL, Hung SY, Forget A, Wang CH, Cigna SM, Lu IL, Chen WY, Leboucher S, Wang WJ, Ruat M, Spassky N, Tsai JW*, Ayrault O* (2019) Atoh1 requires primary cilia for the expansion of granule neuron progenitors by modulating centriolar satellites. Dev Cell, 48(2):184-199.e5. (* corresponding)

  2. Tsai MH, Nian FS, Hsu MH, Liu WS, Liu YT, Liu C, Lin PH, Hwang DY, Chuang YC, Tsai JW* (2019) PRRT2 missense mutations cluster near C-terminus and frequently lead to protein mislocalization. Epilepsia, 60(5):807-817. (* corresponding)

  3. Chen JL, Chang CH, Tsai JW* (2019) Gli2 rescues delays in brain development induced by Kif3a dysfunction. Cereb Cortex, 29(2):751-64. (* corresponding)

  4. Nian FS, Li LL, Cheng CY, Wu PC, Lin YT, Tang CY, Ren BS, Tai CY, Fann MJ, Kao LS, Hong CJ, Tsai JW* (2019) Rab18 collaborates with Rab7 to modulate lysosomal and autophagy activities in the nervous system: An overlapping mechanism for Warburg micro syndrome and Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 2B. Mol Neurobiol, 56(9):6095-6105. (* corresponding)

  5. Chang HY, Cheng HY, Tsao AN, Liu C, Tsai JW* (2019) Multiple functions of KBP in neural development underlie brain anomalies in Goldberg-Shprintzen syndrome. Front Mol Neurosci, 12:265. (* corresponding)

  6. Ibrahim RB, Liu YT, Yeh SY, Tsai JW* (2019) Contributions of animal models to the mechanisms and therapies of transthyretin amyloidosis. Front Physiol, 10:338. (* corresponding)

  7. Valente P, Romei A, Fadda M, Sterlini B, Lonardoni D, Forte N, Fruscione F, Castroflorio E, Michetti C, Giansante G, Valtorta F, Tsai JW, Zara F, Nieus T, Corradi A, Fassio A, Baldelli P, Benfenati F (2019) Constitutive inactivation of the PRRT2 gene alters short-term synaptic plasticity and promotes network hyperexcitability in hippocampal neurons. Cereb Cortex, 29(5):2010-2033.


  1. Lu IL, Chen C, Tung CY, Chen HH, Pan JP, Chang CH, Cheng JS, Chen YA, Wang CH, Huang CW, Kang YN, Chang HY, Li LL, Chang KP, Shih YH, Lin CH, Kwan SY, Tsai JW* (2018) Identification of genes associated with cortical malformation using a transposon-mediated somatic mutagenesis screen in mice. Nat Commun, 9(1):2498. (* corresponding)

  2. Hsiao CJ, Chang CH, Ibrahim RB, Lin IH, Wang CH, Wang WJ, and Tsai JW* (2018) Gli2 modulates cell cycle re-entry through autophagy-mediated regulation on the length of primary cilia. J Cell Sci, 131(24). pii: jcs221218. (* corresponding)

  3. Chen YA, Lu IL, Tsai JW* (2018) Contactin-1/F3 regulates neuronal migration and morphogenesis through modulating RhoA activity. Front Mol Neurosci, 11:422. (* corresponding)

  4. Jheng GW, Hur SS, Chang CM, Wu CC, Cheng JS, Lee HH, Chung BC, Wang YK, Lin KH, del Alamo JC, Chien S, Tsai JW* (2018). Lis1 dysfunction leads to traction force reduction and cytoskeletal disorganization during cell migration. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 497, 869-75. (* corresponding)

  5. Kilander MBC, Wang CH, Chang CH, Nestor JE, Herold K, Tsai JW, Nestor MW, Lin YC (2018) A rare human CEP290 variant disrupts the molecular integrity of the primary cilium and impairs Sonic Hedgehog machinery. Sci Rep, 8(1):17335.


  1. Chen HR, Juan HC, Wong YH, Tsai JW, Fann MJ (2017) Cdk12 regulates neurogenesis and late-arising neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex. Cereb Cortex, 27:2289-302.

  2. Chakraborty S, Karmenyan A, Tsai JW, Chiou A (2017) Inhibitory effects of curcumin and cyclocurcumin in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) induced neurotoxicity in differentiated PC12 cells. Sci Rep, 7, 16977.

  3. Liu YH, Tsai JW, Chen JL, Yang WS, Chang PC, Cheng PL, Turner DL, Yanagawa Y, Wang TW, Yu JY (2017) Ascl1 promotes tangential migration and confines migratory routes by induction of Ephb2 in the telencephalon. Sci Rep, 7, 42895.


  1. Liu YT, Nian FS, Chou WJ, Tai CY, Kwan SY, Chen C, Kuo PW, Lin PH, Chen CY, Huang CW, Lee YC, Soong BW*, Tsai JW* (2016) PRRT2 mutations lead to neuronal dysfunction and neurodevelopmental defects. Oncotarget, 7, 39184-96. (* corresponding)

  2. Tsai MH, Kuo PW, Myers CT, Li SW, Lin WJ, Fu TY, Chang HY, Mefford HC, Chang YC*, Tsai JW* (2016). A novel DCX missense mutation in a family with X-linked lissencephaly and subcortical band heterotopia syndrome inherited from a low-level somatic mosaic mother: Genetic and functional studies. Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 20, 788-94. (* corresponding)

  3. Chakraborty S, Nian FS, Tsai JW, Karmenyan A, Chiou A (2016) Quantification of the metabolic state in cell-model of Parkinson's disease by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Sci Rep, 6, 19145.

  4. Ma L*, Qiao Q*, Tsai JW*, Yang G, Li W, Gan WB (2016) Experience-dependent plasticity of dendritic spines of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the mouse cortex. Dev Neurobiol, 76, 277-286. (*equal contribution)

  5. Qiao Q, Ma L, Li W, Tsai JW, Yang G, Gan WB (2016) Long-term stability of axonal boutons in the mouse barrel cortex. Dev Neurobiol, 76, 252-261.


  1. Cheng CY, Wu JC, Tsai JW, Nian FS, Wu PC, Kao LS, Fann MJ, Tsai SJ, Liou YJ, Tai CY, Hong CJ (2015) ENU mutagenesis identifies mice modeling Warburg Micro syndrome with sensory axon degeneration caused by a deletion in Rab18. Exp Neurol, 267, 143-151.


  1. Tsai JW & Vallee RB (2011) Live microscopy of neural stem cell migration in brain slices. Methods Mol Biol, 750:131-42.

  2. Wang X, Tsai JW, Lamonica B & Kriegstein AR (2011) A new subtype of progenitor cell in the mouse embryonic neocortex. Nat Neurosci, 14, 555-561. (Cover; featured in News and Views)


  1. Tsai JW*, Lian WN*, Kemal SK, Kriegstein AR & Vallee RB (2010) Kinesin 3 and cytoplasmic dynein mediate interkinetic nuclear migration in neural stem cells. Nat Neurosci, 13, 1463-1471. (*equal contribution)


  1. Wang X, Tsai JW, Imai JH, Lian WN, Vallee RB & Shi SH (2009) Asymmetric inheritance of centrosome maintains neural progenitors during mammalian neocortical neurogenesis. Nature 461, 947-955. (Cover; featured in News and Views)

  2. Vallee RB, Seale GE & Tsai JW (2009) Emerging roles for myosin II and cytoplasmic dynein in migrating neurons and growth cones. Trends Cell Biol 19, 347-355.


  1. Tsai JW , Bremner KH & Vallee RB. Dual subcellular roles for LIS1 and dynein in radial neuronal migration in live brain tissue. Nat Neurosci 10, 970-979 (2007).


  1. Richard B. Vallee and Jin-Wu Tsai. The Cellular Roles of the Lissencephaly Gene LIS1, and What They Tell Us About Brain Development. Genes & Development 20, 1384-1393 (2006). (Perspective)

  2. Chia-Fen Hsieh, Bo-Jui Chang, Chyi-Huey Pai, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Jin-Wu Tsai, Yung-Hsiang Yi, Yi-Ting Chiang, Da-Wei Wang, Sien Chi, Long Hsu, and Chi-Hung Lin. Stepped changes of monovalent ligand-binding force during ligand-induced clustering of integrin aIIbb3. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 281, 25466-25474 (2006).


  1. Jin-Wu Tsai, Yu Chen, Arnold R. Kriegstein, and Richard B. Vallee. LIS1 RNAi blocks neural Stem cell division, morphogenesis, and motility at multiple stages. The Journal of Cell Biology 170, 935-945 (2005). (Journal cover and highlight paper)


  1. Chia-Fen Hsieh, Bo-Jui Chang, Chyi-Huey Pai, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Sien Chi, Long Hsu, Jin-Wu Tsai, and Chi-Hung Lin. Identification of stepped changes of binding affinity during interactions between the disintegrin rhodostomin and integrin aIIbbIII in living cells using optical tweezers. Proceedings of SPIE 5514, 215-224 (2004).


  1. Jen-Chang Liu, Wen-Liang Hwang, Ming-Syan Chen, Jin-Wu Tsai, and Chi-Hung Lin. Wavelet-based Active Contour Model for Object Tracking. ICIP Proceedings 3, 206-209 (2001).


  1. 林奇宏、蔡金吾 (2000).「雷射光鉗技術在生物作用力研究上的應用物理雙月刊, 22卷5期, p500-505.

  2. Jin-Wu Tsai, Bing-Yao Liao, Chun-Cheng Huang, Wen-Liang Hwang, Da-Wei Wang, Arthur E. Chiou, and Chi-Hung Lin. Applications of optical tweezers and an integrated force measurement module for biomedical research. Proceedings of SPIE 4082, 213-221 (2000). (Best Student Paper Award)


  1. Wei-Nan Lian, Jin-Wu Tsai, Pang-Mien Yu, Tzu-Wei Wu, Shun-Chun Yang, Yat-Pang Chau, and Chi-Hung Lin. Targeting of aminopeptidase N to bile canaliculi correlates with secretory activities of the developing canalicular domain. Hepatology 30, 748-760 (1999).
























































































  1. Tsai JW, Hedehus M, Kallop D, Weimer R. An interactive semi-automatic dendritic spine detection tool for efficient quantification of synaptic dynamics in vivo. Imaging in 2020 VII, Jackson Hole, WY (2011)
  2. Wang X, Tsai JW, Lamonica B, Kriegstein AR. The cellular roles for MCPH genes CDK5RAP2 and CPAP in cortical development. ISSCR 8th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2010)
  3. Lian WN, Tsai JW & Vallee RB. Cytoplasmic dynein and nonconventional kinesin responsible for bidirectional interkinetic nuclear oscillations in neuroepithelial cells. The 39th Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, IL (2009)
  4. Tsai JW. From neurogenesis to synaptical genesis: a long journey for cortical neurons. The 2nd Global COE Retreat, Hokuto, Japan (2009)
  5. Tsai JW, Lian WN & Vallee RB. The molecular basis for interkinetic nuclear oscillations in the mammalian neuroepithelium. The 48th Cell Biology Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2008)
  6. Tsai JW, Bremner KH & Vallee RB. Subcellular roles for LIS1 and dynein in radial migration of neurons during embryonic cortical development. The 1st Tohoku Neuroscience Global-COE Conference, Zao, Japan (2008)
  7. Tsai JW, Bremner KH & Vallee RB. Dynein and LIS1 Transport the entire microtubule cytoskeleton through in migrating neural precursors, and myosin IIb brings up the rear. The 47th Cell Biology Meeting, Washington, DC (2007)
  8. Tsai JW & Vallee RB. Dual subcellular roles for lis1 and dynein in radial migration of neurons during embryonic cortical development. IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Melbourne, Australia (2007)
  9. Jin-Wu Tsai, Richard B. Vallee. Triple labeling of migrating neural progenitor cells in live brain tissue reveals novel roles for cytoplasmic dynein and LIS1 in centrosomal, nuclear, and microtubule behavior. The 46th Cell Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA (2006)
  10. Jin-Wu Tsai, Richard B. Vallee. Direct observation of microtubule dynamics in live brain tissue. The 46th Cell Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA (2006)
  11. Jin-Wu Tsai, Richard B. Vallee. Triple labeling of neural progenitor cells in live brain tissue reveals novel roles for cytoplasmic dynein and LIS1 in centrosomal and nuclear behavior. The 36th Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2006)
  12. Jin-Wu Tsai, Yu Chen, Arnold R. Kriegstein, and Richard B. Vallee. Multiple effects of LIS1 RNAi on neural progenitor cell division, polarization, axonogenesis, and motility. The 45th Cell Biology Meeting, San Francisco (2005).
  13. Serena C. Tan, Jin-Wu Tsai, Garrett Seale, and Richard B. Vallee. Dynein light intermediate chains: A comparison of distribution and function in fibroblasts and developing neurons. The 45th Cell Biology Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2005).
  14. Jin-Wu Tsai, Yu Chen, Peter Canoll, Arnold R. Kriegstein, and Richard B. Vallee. LIS1 RNAi blocks neural progenitor cells at multiple stages in the radial migration pathway. The 35th Neuroscience Meeting, Washington, DC (2005).
  15. Richard B. Vallee and Jin-Wu Tsai. Role of cytoplasmic dynein and LIS1 in neural progenitor cell migration and division. International Dynein Workshop, Kobe, Japan (2005).
  16. Richard B. Vallee and Jin-Wu Tsai. Role of cytoplasmic dynein in brain developmental and neurodegerative disease. Experimental Biology Conference, San Diego, CA (2005).
  17. Jin-Wu Tsai, Yu Chen, Richard B. Vallee, and Arnold R. Kriegstein. Interference with LIS1 and dynactin arrests neuronal migration at the multipolar stage and interferes with neocortial expansion. Mol. Biol. Cell 15, 173a (2004).
  18. Yong-Shyang Yi, Jin-Wu Tsai, Chi-Hung Lin, and Szecheng J. Lo. Platelet and CHO cell adhesion and morphological change on various recombinant substrates. Mol. Biol. Cell 10, 62a (1999).
  19. CS Yang, WN Lian, YJ Chen, TW Wu, PM Yu, JW Tsai, and CH Lin. Delivery of aminopeptidase N to bile canaliculi correlates with specific transcytosis activities in human hepatoma cell lines. Mol. Biol. Cell 9, 91a (1998).


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