Transposon Screen
Primary Cilia
Neural Stem Cell
Neuronal Migration
2-Photon Microscopy
Optical Tweezers
SideView Technology
Cellular Hepatology

Side View Technology

The novel Side View Technology, which was developed in Dr. Chi-Hung Lin and Szecheng Lo's lab, allows us to observe the cell grown on substrates from their sides with high spatial resolution and in REAL TIME!

Using this technology, you can easily observe the sides of cultured cells under conventional optical microscopes. This technique may be used in conjunction with virtually all other microscopy techniques including bright field, dark field, phase contrast, differential interference contrast (DIC), and fluorescence microscopy. In contrast to confocal scanning microscopes, by which the observed plane has to be scanned resulting in largely decreased temporal resolution, our new technique bears the ability to image the cell from its side in REAL TIME.

Owing to the special optical configuration of the Side View Technology, the spatial resolution can also tuned up to optical limits, without the limitations of the mechanical components, such as stepper motors. Consequently many fast and subtle biological phenomena can be resolved. Moreover, cells or tissues at the side view configuration could also be manipulated by optical tweezers simultaneously. This totally novel combination of observing and manipulating cells may open a new window of biomedical research.


Cell spreading observed by the Side View Technology. Two Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells expressing integrin aIIbb3 were put on a substrate coated with rhodostomin, and the process of cell spreading was observed using the Side View Technology with time-lapse recording. The cells were shown to spread and flatten within about 1.5 hours. Similar technique was successfully applied to platelets to observe their cellular activities and spreading.


Cell membrane glycoproteins decorated by a fluorescein-conjugated lectin, concanavalin A (Con A) observed by the Side View Technology. Con A recognizes a-linked mannose, which commonly occurs in glycoproteins. As shown here, the Side View Technology is capable of observing cells with fluorescent microscopy.



The combination of side view microscopy and optical tweezers. A bead coated with poly-L-lysine (arrow) was trapped by optical tweezers and put on the surface of a Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell. The entire process was observed via the Side View Technology. This combined technology can be used in the observation of many cellular activities such as endocytosis and intracellular signaling.


Updated 6/13/2013. Copyright© 2001 Jin-Wu Tsai. All rights reserved.